
What is the ADCI?

What is the ADCI?

Founded in 1968, the Association of Diving Contractors International, Inc. was originally a small group of diving companies with a goal was to create a non-profit organization dedicated to the art and science of commercial diving. The establishment of industry-wide safe standards for commercial diving was the foundation upon which the ADCI was built. Since then, the ADCI has grown to encompass more than 500 member companies, furnishing services and/or support for the conduct of safe underwater operations. Initially comprised of just U.S. domiciled companies, the Association now has companies from 41 other nations throughout the world; all pledging to comply with the ADCI Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving Operations. With a diverse membership from the business, educational, and medical communities, the ADCI is an organization with worldwide scope.

Although the ADCI has no regulatory jurisdiction, it does carefully attempt to ensure that its member companies fully comply with national regulations in effect. The ADCI Consensus Standards for Commercial Diving and Underwater Operations has been carefully developed to promote the highest degree of Safety. Both the United States Coast Guard and OSHA recognize the ADCI Consensus Standards as “meeting or exceeding” U.S. Federal Regulations for the conduct of commercial diving activities. ADCI Certification Cards are recognized throughout the world as being documents that attest to the training and experience level of Commercial Divers and ROV Pilot/Technicians.

The ADCI is governed by an elected Board of Directors and supported by a full time Executive Director and staff who execute the daily business of the Association. The Board of Directors and its’ officers are elected on an annual basis with terms of office staggered for a three year period.

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